Register of Public Sector Partners
- Complete legal consulting relating registration to the Register of Public Sector Partners (RPSP)
- Drawing up all documents necessary for registration to RPSP
- Identification of the ultimate beneficial owners (UBO)
- Regular verification of UBO, generally twice a year
The Register of Public Sector Partners (RPSP) is a list of data of ultimate beneficiary owners established by law.
UBO is a natural person or a legal entity who receives funds or property from the state, municipality, and other public sector bodies over the limit specified by law. Persons obliged to be registered – while considering financial limits – are those, who conclude agreements, framework agreements or concession agreements under regulations on public procurement, health care providers, a person to whom receivables toward state have been assigned or otherwise transferred, or public sector entities, and sub-contractors. Health insurance companies are also public sector partners.
Natural persons and legal entities that are not public sector partners can voluntarily register to RPSP.
The registration process itself is not made by the public sector partner (PSP) himself. For this purpose the PSP must ensure an authorised person (in harmony with law it is the lawyer, notary, bank, foreign bank branch, auditor, or tax advisor having registered office or place of business on the territory of the Slovak Republic), with whom an agreement must be concluded on fulfilment of authorised person’s duties toward PSP. Consequently this authorised person carries out all acts relating RPSP for PSP (i.e. not only the first registration, but also changes or deletion of entered data).
RPSP is kept in electronic form and is legally binding that means that the data published in RPSP are effective for everybody and there is no need to prove them before any public authority, i.e. the public authority can detect the data by itself.
Sanctions in case of not fulfilling duties, and/or in case of entering false data:
- Withdrawal from agreement and non-fulfilment by the state
- Fine to PSP in the amount of acquired economic benefit. If the amount cannot be specified, the registration authority imposes a fine EUR 10 000 – EUR 1 000 000.
- Fine in the amount from EUR 100 000 for every statutory body. Our lawyer’s office guarantees payment of this fine
- In case fine is imposed = deletion of statutory body from all companies and ban on performing this position for a period of 3 years
- Criminal liability of PSP, statutory body and authorised person
Frequently asked questions: